As someone in charge of customer service you have to keep track of all the emails, the endless calls and the agents who could be anywhere from the hospital to Singapore and now you have a new headache: social media. Now even the tiniest complaint can turn into a tornado of angry customers, more problems!! Desperate you search for software that can help you but it's all expensive and confusing, isn't there any end to your customer support blues? Luckily there is! And it's called Freshdesk the next-generation helpdesk. Customer queries from phones emails, websites and even social networking sites get automatically converted into tickets. Instantly solve customer problems with a super simple and smart interface that your agents can reach from around the globe. Freshdesk can automatically assign tickets to different support teams based on intelligent rules. What's more? It’s a single account to manage support from multiple brands of products. Now you can keep track of everything, except your agent. Thankfully, with Freshdesk around that’s not really an issue. Time now for you and your customers to be happy. Freshdesk refreshing customer support.
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